The idea that I am actually going to head up North for a whole month is slowly sinking in... when I received an e-mail from my professor tonight saying that he had all the tickets arranged it kicked my imagination into high gear once again. I have been researching Cape Dorset and talking to people who have spent time there, but ultimately there is no real way to be ready.

I have been trying to figure out Inuktitut. I took languages in University, so I thought that would help, but it is so very different from any of the languages I know! I found out that it is not really related to any other languages, the way that Spanish and Italian and French are related or the way German, Swedish and Norwegian are related. The written form was brought to the Inuit by missionaries and is somewhat related to shorthand, which was used by secretaries to take notes quickly. It is an interesting looking language, that's for sure...
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